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Privacy Policy for The Sensemakers Club



Welcome to The Sensemakers Club, a digital clubhouse offering ways to meet other sensemakers via monthly discussion groups, and asynchronous chat. This policy outlines how we collect, use, and protect your personal information to enhance your experience.

Information Collection

We partner with three SaaS platforms to deliver our services, each data set is described below with a link to each company’s privacy policy:

  • Kajabi: Manages membership by collecting names, email addresses, payment information, pronouns, countries, bios, websites, and social profile links
  • Google Meet: Captures chat data for video discussions including name
  • Read.AI: Records meeting details (audio, visual files, subjects, descriptions, and access details) for note-taking and code of conduct monitoring

Use of Information

The information we collect from you supports: 

  • Membership management 
  • Code of conduct monitoring
  • Community-trend reporting
  • Profile access by other members

Staff will have exclusive access to video collected by Read.AI and it will only be used to report on club trends. In the event of an incident in which our code of conduct is called into question, we reserve the right to use the video from past discussions to make a determination about the action to be taken. 

Sharing of Information

We commit to not sharing your personal information with third parties beyond our necessary SaaS partners, who are obligated to protect your data.

Data Security

We rely on our SaaS partners' security measures, which include encryption and secure server use, to protect your personal information. To ensure our commitment to keeping our members safe, our leaders have been instructed to remove any note-takers other than the official club note-taker from Members who attend with an outside notetaker will be notified to remove it.

Member Rights

You have the right to access, modify, or delete your personal data. Please contact our Data Protection Officer, Abby Covert, at [email protected] or 1-617-504-2030 for requests or inquiries.

International Members

We comply with global data protection laws. This means you have specific rights, such as data access, correction, and deletion, which we honor and will facilitate to the best of our abilities.

Data Retention

Data retention is governed by our SaaS partners' policies. We choose partners who meet stringent data protection standards, ensuring your data is handled responsibly.

Policy Updates

Members will be notified of any updates via email, ensuring you're always informed about how we protect your privacy.

Children’s Privacy

Our services are not intended for children under 16. We do not knowingly collect data from children and encourage parents to contact us if they believe we have inadvertently collected such information.

Automated Decision Making

We do not use your data for automated decision-making or profiling that has legal or other significant effects on you.

Contact Information

For any privacy-related concerns or inquiries, please contact our Data Protection Officer (DPO), Abby Covert, at [email protected] or 1-617-504-2030.


The way we arrange the pieces to make sense as a whole.

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